Application of Wagner’s Theorem

Testing whether or not a graph is planar is an important aspect of graph theory. Wagner’s Theorem provides a characterization of planar graphs based on graph minors. It is a nice alternative to Kuratowski’s Theorem. Euler’s formula and graph coloring are both necessary conditions for a graph to be planar, and so the associated tests are non-deterministic. That is, just because a graph satisfy Euler’s formula (or a corollary) does not mean it is planar. Similarly, the graph K_{3, 3} is non-planar, but it is two-colorable.

Kuratowski’s Theorem states that a graph G is planar if and only if no subdivision of K_{3, 3} or K_{5} are contained in G.

Wagner’s Theorem relies instead on graph minors. It states that a graph G is planar if and only if G does not contain K_{3, 3} or K_{5} as minors. A graph minor is constructed from G by contracting selected edges, deleting selected edges, and deleting selected vertices.

In order to demonstrate Wagner’s Theorem, the following proposition will be proven.

Proposition: Let G be a simple, connected bipartite graph with 10 vertices each of degree 3. Then G is non-planar.

Proof: To be proven directly. By the Handshake Lemma, there exist 15 edges in G. As G is three regular, the only potential partition sizes are (7, 3), (6, 4) or (5, 5). As (7, 3) configuration uses only 9 edges, and a (6, 4) configuration only uses 12 edges. So the two partitions must each contain 5 vertices. We now prove the following Lemma.

Lemma 1: Let v_{1}, v_{2} \in V(G) be in the same partition. Then v_{1} and v_{2} share a common neighbor.

This property follows by the pigeonhole principle. By extremality, let v_{1} be adjacent to v_{6}, v_{7} in the second partition and v_{2} adjacent to v_{8}, v_{9} in the second partition. As G is 3-regular, v_{1}, v_{2} both must have one more edge. If (without loss of generality) v_{1} is adjacent to one of v_{2}‘s neighbors, then we are done. Otherwise, by extremality, suppose v_{1} is adjacent to v_{10}. Now by the pigeonhole principle, v_{2} must share one neighbor with v_{1}, completing the proof of this lemma.

Lemma 1 will now be used to show the existence of a C_{6} \subset G. Consider v_{1}, v_{2}. They share a common neighbor by Lemma 1. Let v_{6} be the neighbor of v_{1}, v_{2}. By Lemma 1, v_{6} and some other vertex in its partition. Call this vertex v_{7}. And so we have a path v_{1} - v_{6} - v_{2} - v_{7}. Using Lemma 1 again, v_{2} and some other vertex v_{3} in the same partition must share v_{7} as a neighbor. Applying Lemma 1 once more yields a vertex v_{8} adjacent to both v_{1}, v_{3}, completing the six-cycle.

Now construct v_{4}, v_{5}, v_{9}, v_{10} into a C_{4} instance. This leaves five remaining edges, which form a perfect matching on G. Observe that three vertices in one partition cover the other partition. That is, selecting any three vertices in one partition, there exist edges to all the vertices in the second partition only using the edges of the selected vertices in the first partition. Thus, consider each vertex v_{i} in the first partition. Contract all three edges incident to v_{i}. Thus, v_{i} is adjacent to all other vertices in partition one. And so contracting the second partition into the first partition produces a K_{5} minor. So by Wagner’s Theorem, G is not planar. QED.

Remark Observe that G satisfies the corollary to Euler’s formula for bipartite graphs. That is, planar bipartite graphs satisfy the condition that e \leq 2v - 4. There are 10 vertices and 15 edges in G, and so G satisfies this corollary. This is a good example of Euler’s formula being a necessary but not sufficient condition for planarity.

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